Monday, July 28, 2014

For MAT practitoners

Hi, Ya'll

I graduated from the third MAT internship and got my MAT therapist cert right away. I think it was 2002. It's been a while now.  I completed RTSM certification (2000 or 2001 I think) before I took MAT internship.

Towards the end of our internship, I hosted a newsgroup for MAT internship graduates so we could discuss and exchange information.

As soon as I finished the internship, I was hired on by a chiropractor who use AK as his primary practice. He taught me a lot of AK skills. I shared some of the AK methods in the newsgroup.

When I found out many of MAT muscle testing positions were published in an Applied Kinesiology book published back in the 80's, (one of my boss's text book from chiropractic school). Like an idiot, I also shared this information in the newsgroup. I questioned Greg's claim regarding his sole contribution in developing MAT.

Greg decided to recant my certification and publicly state that I was not qualify to be a MATT. This is why you can not find my name in MAT certified therapist list on MAT website. You can ask anyone in the third internship if I was in the class with them.

I am not sure if it is legal for him to "recant" my cert based on personal disagreement. Quite frankly, I don't think so. However, his action lead me to question this his integrity.  I figure I really don't care to be listed on MAT website as a practitioner anyways since I began to practice a combination of many forms of kinesiology and felt that I certainly wouldn't want to be seen as a practitioner limited to only MAT therapy.

In the following few years, the focus of my work shifted to research energy body and emotions that influences our physical body. Eventually I developed a process I called Neural Emotional Reprogramming (NER).

My life and work continued to shift by its own nature.  I developed a very strong intuitive ability after years of kinesiology, spiritual journey and personal development. I became very sensitive to energy patterns and emotions. When I close my eyes and focus I can see vibrational waves of objects. I can access information that is in radio format around people's energy body.  There are many other intuitive abilities I have that can not be described with words. (Thanks to these intuitive abilities I was able to develop a few energy products so that I do not have to tie myself down with a job.)

Anyways, it is over a decade since I began this journey,  I felt that I had some very precious experience and research finding that I can share with other practitioners, so I decided to start a section in my blog called "For MAT Practitioners" in case some of you might be interested in my findings and may want to discuss about it.

If you are wondering if I was trying to sell you my Neuro-emotional Reprogramming(NER). The answer is NO.  I am semi-retired and have a whole different life interest now.

I am sure I am not the only MAT graduate who strayed away from MAT. Hummm! somehow I don't think "strayed away" quite fit the description.  I think "expanded it" may suit the description better.  In the same internship I was in,  there were a few graduates that I knew of also took very interesting kinesiology classes.

After a few of us who had taken other forms of kinesiology and had been discussing with one another, I heard it through the grapevine that Greg decided to make his students agree not to take other forms of kinesiology.  I am not sure exactly what he did.  Anyways, you are welcome to chime in and let me know if you like.

Besides my experience and research findings, I will also share some of the methods that I developed, and/or modified from other methods I learned. I will be periodically posting articles and I will always post the link on my facebook page. If this is what you are interested in reading, please feel free to follow me or add me.

Disclaimer: By the way, this is Sunny's blog. Freedom of speech is God given.  You are welcome to leave remarks kindly or unkindly. Just remember, I do have the right to delete your remarks if I so choose. :o)  I am also not obligated to answer any questions or malicious provokes. Thank you and enjoy your day. 

Friday, May 9, 2014

The Way I Live My Life

Everyone has their own way to live their lives; their own way to process things, and their own way to grow.  I am not saying my way is better.  Just sharing my thought and maybe you will find something that benefit you somehow.

Years ago, I found out the way I related to people was complaints and telling misfortunate stories of my life.  I learned it from my mother because that was the only way she knew how to connect to people. When I saw that of me, I was shocked.  I decided that this is not going to be my way of life.

Through years of reading self-help materials and working my personal healing, I was able to make 100% peace with myself.  Making peace, in the beginning was about finding self love, self value, self worth, self respect and self acceptance. Every time I found an issue related to these topic, I would track down the emotional programs and balance it.  I use muscle test to test on the percentage on all of subjects. It took a few years but I was able to reach 100% on all of them.

Eventually, what was important about self love, self value, self worth and self respect and self acceptance became completely irrelevant. Other's people's opinion regarding me and what other thinks of me is no longer my business.  I am immune of other's opinion of me.

This is very freeing. Yet at times, people gets really angry at me because they are not getting the response they wanted.

I am not necessarily a nice person all the time. I just be, however I am at any given time. Because I am no longer emotionally attached to other people's opinions, I would just say what I think and what I want to say. My only rule to myself is that I would not use my words intentionally hurt people. I always try to help people free themselves from their circumstance or their attachment to the outcome.

Sometimes people do expect you to say what they want to hear. People like this tend to get upset about what I said.  But that's life isn't it? I remember many times clients gets really upset about what I said and walked off without paying me.  I also often get thank you letters or positive testimony years later because they finally realized what I said helped them even though they did not want to hear it at the time.

Some people hates me for the way I am and some really loves me for it.  Isn't this how it is anyways even if you sensor your words?

I don't argue with reality.  If you had read Byron Katie's "Loving What Is" you would know what I mean.  What ever happened is reality.  If we keep saying: "You should have..." "He should have...." and "you shouldn't have...." you can just keep staying angry because what happened already happened and no one can time travel to change anything.

Anything in reality that emotionally irritates me, bothers me, There has gotta be emotional programs, certain beliefs that isn't necessary true, or past memories associations.  So I would track them down and balancing emotional programs, challenge my beliefs, or just keep rehearsing new scenarios I like in my mind so I can create new emotional associations (neural-network).

Negative emotional response to anything is a very powerful thing.  It is almost like the Universe is reminding us that we have a bomb and someone or something triggered it. We can remove the trigger, but the next time there is another trigger, the bomb still blows up. When we remove the bomb, there will be no trigger. There won't be anymore negative emotional response.

So I always use the method I mentioned on the previous articles, identify the emotional programs and balance them. When you balanced the emotional effect from the meridian dimension, the emotions disappear. The program no longer has a negative output of emotions. Occasionally the Universe would show me other methods that is more suitable for certain cases, I would adopt it right away. I think the Universal collective consciousness is definitely smarter than me.

It is really nice to have a tool like this because I had loads of programs that no longer benefit me. I am determined to clean out the programs that no longer serves as a positive influence in my life.

Here is the reason I say "programs that no longer serves as a positive influence": People tend to think that negative emotions are all negative to our lives.  The truth isn't so.  Some negative emotions can be very helpful in our lives depending on what, where and when the emotions occur.

Sometimes we are angry at something but we don't speak up.  Maybe at the time what we really need to learn from the lesson is to speak our truth. The anger plays a very important role as a motivator.  However, not every case is the same. You may ask me how you can discern the difference. When you can muscle test with a clear intention and no attachment, you can actually access that information.

I think every negative emotion had its purpose at one point. After it provided the purpose, we can release it and remove the program.

Personally, I prefer being immune to my surroundings if you know what I mean. No one can emotionally manipulate or blackmail me into doing anything. I am happy in my own skin and whatever I do. Everything I do is out of my own intention. There is definitely an unspeakable freedom in this kind of life. :o)

In the recent two years or so, I began to see how things and people around me change very rapidly after I change my programs.  I can see that there is definitely a shift in the attractor patterns and what attitude I attract from people.

I also saw myself change in the past two decades from a 90% masculine energy expression and a 40% feminine energy moving up to having 100% on both. I was a tomboy growing up.  When I was in my teens, I did not want to be a girl. when I was 50, I began to realize that even though I could live the rest of my life with the same energy set up, but I would certainly be missing out on an experience that someone with 100% male and 100% female energy can have. So I decided to look into the programs that blocks the 60% female energy and the 10% of male energy.

It was a month long personal retreat when I worked on these topics.  I did take time off whenever I feel like to. During the process, I could feel the shift in my energy as well as my physical movements. I even saw my aesthetics shifted dramatically. I began to appreciate clothing, shoes that are more feminine.

I just wanted to share my personal experience so you know that a person's personality is not set in stone.  we can change, shift and evolve. And here is a tool. 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Example of an Emotional Program

I wanted to share an experience of mine in my personal life about an emotional program that I identified and balanced recently.  Perhaps it will give you some ideas about what an emotional program is, how to identify it and what the balancing process feel like.

All of this you can do perhaps with the help of a few close friends who are not closed minded.

A close friend of mine complained that I was cold and uncompassionate when he needed comforting.

In my experience that I had previously identified, I really really dislike people who are emotionally needy, particularly those who want you to be nice and sweet to them, listen to their misery, sometimes repeated stories or something that happened a long time ago that they refuse to heal from because it is a good way to get love and attention. If you don't offer the sweetness and kindness they are looking for, their attitude turn 180 degrees around and get pissed off at you.

One of my sisters is like that.  So I decided to stay away from her.  Well, I thought I could just stay away from her and get my peace, but apparently I must have attractor patterns(also emotional program) that attract other people who would do the same to me.

So this time, I decided to take some time and look at what the program is that keeps attracting the same experience into my life. Perhaps this time, after I balanced my attractor pattern, I would finally stop running into the same kind of situation.

Normally I can access most of the programs using my intuitive ability. Occasionally, I would need to get my friends to help with brainstorming if I can not get the storyline myself.  This is one of the cases that I pretty much drew a blank. I called a couple of my friends to help me brain storm.

Having been a kinesiologist and using my intuitive ability for years, I developed a keen sense of "yes" or "no" inside.  It means, when I hear something, I would know whether it is closer to the truth, or far from truth.  Like a muscle test inside of me that tells me "yes" or "no", "correct" or "incorrect".

If you can learn to use muscle test, it would make the process much easier.  Just look up "self muscle testing" or "solo muscle testing" on Youtube.  It does take time to practice to get the proper force application. Muscle testing is NOT something you can master in minutes.  When I learned the one-hand-solo muscle testing, it took me almost a month of everyday practice. (A few minutes a few times every day.)

Basically, you can converse with the Universe using "play 20 questions" kind of way. An emotional program can be short or long.  Sometimes it is only one scene with a feeling, sometimes it can be a long played out story with lots of twist and turns. Jut remember, if it is a long one, be sure to ask the Universe whether you have enough information to start the balancing process.

So, here it is:

In this story(program), I was a concubine of a prince in a small country somewhere in Europe in the 9th century.

The prince had many wives. One of them was my sister, who is not only emotionally extremely needy, she also somehow figured out how to sweet talk and manipulate the prince to give her whatever she wanted all the time. She gained some political power, which was what I wanted. I resented her for that.

I was emotionally disconnected but had a very clear analytical mind. I despised my sister's behavior and stayed distance with her and the prince.  The reason I was married to the prince was because the prince's father, the king, valued my analytical ability.  He consulted me in many of his political decisions and had great results. I agreed to the marriage because I was ambitious about political power.

Because my sister's won most of the prince's attention, other prince's wives had became very jealous of her. The main wife decided to plot a conspiracy against her.

The main wife of the prince took an opportunity when the king's daughter, the princess, went on a trip.  She and another concubine set up a fake murder evidence of the princess' dead body. She framed my sister for the murder. The king was enraged and killed my sister, burn me to death and executed everyone in my family.

Later on the king found out that the other concubine was the one that set up the fake evidence, he thought she was the only conspirator. So he executer her too. However, Prince's main wife was never caught for her involvement in plotting the fake murder.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Connections between Emotions and Body

I was a fitness trainer that studies advanced biomechanics.  please refer to "Neuro-Emotional Reprogramming" for my background information.

At young age, I used to talk to people who were deceased. I couldn't see them but I could communicate with them if they want to communicate with me. I had a couple of ghost friends at the time. They were all children.  As schooling got busy and competitive, I no longer had time to bum around. Eventually I forgot that part of my life.

Growing up, I had trouble reading and memorize text, but I had picture memory and was really good with object and spacial relationships. Needless to say, I always scored high in geometry and barely made my grades in Chinese Mandarin. It is not until later days when I realized that I am somewhat dyslexic. I still am. Many people ask me, how can you write? Well, I don't have trouble writing. Maybe I write at a slower pace than others.  I do, however, have some difficulty going back to read it and proof read my writing.

When I was studying biomechanic, I learned that human have a limited neurological effort.  If one does shoulder press sitting on a bench that supports his back, he can press a lot more weight than doing the same motion while standing. One shoulder presses less weight while standing because some of his total neurological effort is spread to keeping his whole body stable so that there are less strength available for the shoulder press.

Through the experience of my work, I realized that this situation also applies to our brain activity.  We have limited neurological effort available for our brain. When we are really good at something, we are bound to perform poor at some other things.

Like me, I am really poor at memorizing text, names of people and places, titles of songs, books and movies. however, I am brilliant in biomechanics, common physics, special visualizations, associations and correlations, logic processing, independent thinking. I have picture memories, and I remember people's voices and can recognize their voices after many years. I am really good at seeing things in a whole picture and broader perspective.

I have observed people in their brain power in my everyday life as well.  I have noticed that there are many people who are really good at memorizing text of certain information, yet they can not read a map or are directionally challenged. Some are math genius yet are emotional idiots.

I came to a conclusion, I accepted limitations as normal and focus on what is great and powerful. I do this for me, and I treat other people around me with the same principle. I longer ask them to be a certain way, simply, sometimes they are just not capable. Of course, some argue with me about my conclusion. True limitation is normal. Not everybody can learn 20 different languages and not everybody is a math genius. Instead of pushing them to perform better at what they have trouble with, I accept their limitation and try to find out what their brain is good at, and push for that potential.

I even visited an autistic care center and spent time with the clients.  I found out that some of them are brilliant in mind power or have super extra sensory awareness.  Their brain may look malfunction in some ways.  They are brilliant in things that we can not comprehend.

Six Steps to Balance Emotional Programs

You have read "Origin of Human Emotional Response", perhaps you have identified something in your daily life that you have an emotional response to.

I need to stress something here.  Even though Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is widely available and many people teach it to balancing emotions.  From my experience, I found that EFT is often effective in releasing onset undesired emotions, but it is hardly ever balancing the root of the problem.  What I am trying to explain here is, if someone has a trigger of some sort, once triggered by an event or person, EFT can be effective in releasing the emotions.  However, next time the person come across a similar event or situation, the same emotional response will happen again.  And if you use EFT over and over on a recurrent issue, it eventually became ineffective.

In my experience, when we can identify the emotional program that is creating that certain emotional response and balance the program either with EFT or other healing methods, about 90% of the time, that emotional response will not reoccur. Even if it does, it is drastically reduced and/or has a very different emotional response.

After the program is balanced, when we encounter a similar event and had a different emotional response, it means that there are other emotional programs that is related to the emotional response of this event, or just more than one layer of emotions that required balancing.

It is common that one emotional program (meaning one storyline) can have many layers of emotions.  Some programs may have 10 or more layers.

And if we can muscle test (self-test or test by a practitioner), we can easily find out whether the entire emotional response (multiple layers of emotions) is completely balanced or not. If not, you can continue to dialogue with the body and find out what else needed to be done to complete the healing/balancing process.

Emotional Program Balancing:

Identify an incident or event that trigger an undesired negative emotional response within you.

Identify the emotional programs using the process mentioned in Origin of Human Emotional Response , you would muscle test for the number of emotional layers. Each layer usually requires one balancing process. So if you identify 8 layers of emotions, it means that you may need to do 8 balances to resolve the issue completely. You usually can only feel one emotion, even if you had muscle tested and received information for many layers. When you finish balancing one layer of emotion, the next layer of emotion will then surface.

Before you begin the tapping sequence, please make sure you focus on one single feeling in the emotional program. Set your intention on balancing this feeling in the program, and simultaneously think or recite “I completely love, accept, respect myself.”  (Self love statement -SLS). 

And if you can create a connection to ONEness feeling, that would be even better. If you can’t yet, don’t worry about it. 
During the tapping process, please allow plenty of time to observe and pay attention to the physical/energetic feeling and shifts in the body. When you feel a shift, then move on the the next step of tapping.

Tap repeatedly at a pace that is comfortable and not distracting for you.

Step 1:

Tap your two hands together as pictured.

Focus in on the feeling and recite the self love statement -SLS a few times during each tapping point.

“I completely love, accept, respect myself.” 

Move to the next step when you feel an internal shift.

Step 2:

Use 4 fingers each hand, tap each side of your head above your ears.

Focus in on the feeling and recite the self love statement -SLS.

Move to the next step when you feel an internal shift.

Step 3

Use 2 fingers to tap above and below the lips at the midline of your face.  

Focus in on the feeling and recite the self love statement -SLS.  

Move to the next step when you feel an internal shift.

Step 4

Use 3-4 fingers to tap your thymus.  It is located between your sternum and collarbones, at the midline of your chest.  

Focus in on the feeling and recite the self love statement -SLS.  

Move to the next step when you feel an internal shift.

Step 5

Tap the five fingers of both hands together. 

Focus in on the feeling and recite the self love statement -SLS. 

Move to the next step when you feel an internal shift.

Step 6

Hold the position of all the finger tips touching and wait until you feel the feeling you were releasing is completely dissolved.


Move on to the next feeling and repeat the tapping process until all of the feelings in this story line completely disappear.

Important Notes:

1. It is highly recommended to use muscle test to access information on
     a) how many layers of emotions is in this program?
     b) Are there more than one program to work with?
     c) whether it is important to identify a word to describe the emotion?
     d) Is the process complete?

2. Identifying an emotional program may take a few minutes. Occasionally it may take longer, or takes a bit of conversation with friends or a skilled practitioner to help you identify the reoccurring pattern and help guide you to find it.  If you muscle test and receive an answer that the program is not ready to be released or balanced.  That means this emotion still has certain function in your life that is very important to your life or your spiritual growth.

3. One balancing sequence should take somewhere between 2-5 minutes. Occasional emotional outburst is common.  When you encounter an emotional outburst, just stay with it and continue the tapping process. If you feel that you need to let the emotions flow, feel free to do so. Then resume tapping when you are ready.

4. If you can not identify the emotional program at all, go ahead and work with the feelings first. Then go back and try to identify the emotional program again. Sometimes the program will surface at a later time. Occasionally, it is not necessary to identify the program. It is best to muscle test to access the information.

5. If you are working on an emotional response to a current event, and not focus on the emotional program, this process can only relief you temporarily.  It is crucial to focus in onto your emotional programs in order to receive a permanent effect.

6. Very often emotional response that comes from an emotional program also had developed associated memories of neural network. You should ask the body using muscle test whether you need to continue to mentally rehearse a new desired scenario/emotional outcome in your mind and create new neural networks.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Origin of Human Emotional Response

Where Does Our Emotional Response Come From?

Why do we emotionally respond to certain things a certain way?

So far I had identified two different sources.  One is physical, the other is metaphysical.

Physical: Associated Memories of Neural Network

The physical element is about the neural network that our brain had developed during past events.  If you are familiar with Dr. Joe Dispenza's work, he talks about "Brain cells that fire together wire together. Brain cells that wire together, fire together." The following is a short clip of the movie "What the Bleep Do We Know?".

Our brain creates emotional response based associated memories which came from the brain cells that fired together in the past and got wired together. When we encounter a person or an event, based on our similar past experience, the neurons that are wired together from the past experiences, now fire together and create the same associated emotional response.

These emotional response is almost instant and is very difficult to identify.  The feeling is absolutely real, yet, it is only hologram of the past.

Metaphysical: Attractor Patterns/Emotional Programs

The metaphysical source of our emotional response, is what I called emotional programs.  These are some kind of history or memories that may have came from the etheric field in the form of radio signals, that somehow the brain, or our memories picked up.

Some people may refer to these emotional programs as past life events. Personally, I think contributing everything to past life is very limiting. Through experience with client sessions and my person healing, I had identified many types, which in the next paragraph I will explain in detail.  Also from my years of experimenting healing and balancing these emotional programs, I also found that these programs act as attractor patterns that attracts our life events and experiences. Yes, these attractor patterns is the basis of how and why Law of Attraction works in our lives.

The Characteristics of Emotional Programs

(1) first person experience: the story line is always a first person's experience and his/her feelings and emotional responses during one or many events.

(2)  can be small part of a story line or a complete story, occasionally we see multiple unrelated stories entangled together.

(3) There is always strong emotions associated with the experience.  most of the time more than one emotions

(4) storyline is mostly very dramatical, may include tragic loss and death but not limited to these types.

(5) even happy feelings has programs, but usually does not require healing or balancing.

(6) stories are not limited to human/earth experience. Alien or non-physical form experience is also very common.

Types of Emotional Programs:

(1) Childhood events and pre-birth experience

(2) In-womb downloads of mother's experience

(3) Genetic: events associated with ancestor’s experiences, yet it feels very personal.

(4) Other time, other person's experience: events associated with a different time-line as a different person, yet it feels very personal. Many sees this type as past-life experience. Can be human, animal, aliens and so forth.

(5) Limbo experience: character expereince as a being in suspension, may identify this type as in-between-incarnation experience.

(6) Non-physical form consciousness experience

(7) Movie and novel storyline

Identifying Victim Mentality

In our everyday living, when something disturbing happens, whether it was someone said something or did something that we did not like, or simply life circumstances that wasn't going the way we wanted, we usually feel irritated, hurt, frustrated, sad, maybe even become angry, furious, resentful...... or whatever the feeling may be, it is a feeling that most of us would prefer not having.

There are two ways we can process this within us.

Identifying Victim-Mentality 

The common way of thinking is "Because of XYZ, I am feeling 'bad'." (Here 'bad' is used as a representation of all undesired negative feelings)

In this common way, we blame others or circumstance for our agony. The result is that we need others or our circumstance to change before we could feel better.

This is what we called Victim Mentality.

There are many excellent articles out on the internet that describe and explain victim mentality.  The following is just a few of the many I liked: you may also google search Victim Mentality, you will find many brilliant articles.

The Victim Mentality by Osiris Montenegro
Do You Have 'Victim Mentality'? What To Do About It by Morty Lefkoe

Another less common way of inner process is: "Because I expected XYZ to be a certain way, when XYZ did not turn out the way I wanted, I am feeling bad." In this statement, the 'I' becomes the point of origin, whether agony or power. We can take responsibility of how we feel and take action in changing it. We no longer require XYZ to change for us to feel better, we no longer give our power to feel better to XYZ.

And if we decide that we are going to take matter in our own hands and resolve the undesired feeling.  We can figure out different ways to better our feeling without the need for others or circumstance to change.

This is an empowered way of living.  When we practice this attitude often enough, we can easily master our emotional state and constantly and regularly create happy and joyous feelings despite the circumstance or others' words and behaviors.

Take a Closer Look at Victim Mentality

The following part of the article in grey color is part of an article "Say No to the Victim Mentality" published by Cohen's lifestyle clinic

the benefits of the victim mentality

The victim mentality is addictive and can be pretty beneficial in the short term and for instant gratification. 

A few benefits are:

(1) Attention and validation - You can always get good feelings from other people as they are concerned about you and try to help you out

(2) You don't have to take risks. When you feel like a victim you tend to not take action and so you don't have to risk rejection or failure

(3) You don't have to take the heavy responsibility. Taking responsibility for your own life can be hard work, you have to make difficult decisions and it is just tough from time to time. In the short term it can feel like the easier choice to not take personal responsibility

(4) It makes you feel like you are right. When you feel like the victim and like someone else is wrong and you are right then that can lead to pleasurable feelings

By being aware of the benefits you can derive from victim thinking, it becomes easier to say no and to choose to take a different path.

the long term consequences of the victim mentality

How will it hold you back from achieving the goals you deep down dream about in life?

How will it affect your most important relationships?

How does it affect your relationship with yourself?

Be honest with yourself and get motivation to change by seeing how destructively this will affect your life over the next year or even 3 to 5 years from now.

Replace the victim mentality with something more helpful

Gratitude - It is healthy to recognise and accept the initial pain when something goes wrong in life and to not just paint a fake smile on your face. However, after that initial pain is gone you don't have to create more suffering for yourself. Instead, you can tap into gratitude and ask yourself: "Does someone in this world have it worse than me?" and then take a few minutes to think about the small and bigger things you have in my life that you can be grateful for.

Learning and taking action - After tapping into a more grateful frame of mind, you will be more open to getting a good answer out of this next question: “What is one good thing about this situation?” or “What is one thing you can learn from this situation?” You can then follow it up with: “What is one small step you can take to move forward or out of this situation today?” By asking these question and taking some small steps forward over and over in these situations you will build confidence in yourself and while you cannot control everything in life you can build more and more power and influence over your own life and achieve your goals!      
.... The above in grey text is repost from "Say No the the Victim Mentality"

Here is another great article The Victim Mentality that does a great job in explaining details of many levels of victimhood. 

It is common to see one's victim mentality only shows up in relationships and not work place. For example, this person maybe very capable in their job and skills, so there is no problem at work.  But when comes to personal relationships, particularly close or intimate relationships, when the friend or partner says something (or did something) that did not meet one's expectations, they immediately change their attitude to anger or rage, claims that "you wronged him/her" and demand apology.  This is considered as Aggressive victim.  Agressive victim expresses anger and rage to 'combat' other to gain whatever they want, sympathy, kindness or love. 

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  

Many of these articles also offer methods and suggestions of how to get out of victim mentality.  From my kinesiology background, my intuitive ability and my personal healing experience, I found that getting out of victim hood is not easy as a step by step instruction.

It had taken me years to identify a few physical and metaphysical source of these emotional patterns. In order to throughly transform the victim mentality and feelings,  all physical and metaphysical patterns (not necessary childhood experience) needs to be addressed and balanced so that we can truly be free of the victimhood.

Of course, the first step is to identify the victim mentality within us.  The best way I have found is to read all about it, observe others' victim identity, and then self-reflect.  Out of the first three step, self reflect is the most challenging one.

our next article will introduce the physical and metaphysical aspect of the source of our emotional patterns.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Not Only Empowering... There is More

Imagine, you are content and happy all the time. You do not require anything or anyone around you to change for you to feel good, because you are already content and happy. No matter what happens in life, you are not affected by any external influences. How great is that??

Imagine again, based on Law of Attraction, because you are content and happy, everything in your life always evolves smoothly and always going your way...... you are attracting the people, circumstances you enjoy..... and you are creating the life style you like.....

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People tend to rely on external source to be happy. We wanted people to treat us a certain way, life to be a certain way and we wanted to own and buy certain things or else we are not happy. But this is all backwards based on the cause and effect of Law of Attraction. When we didn't get what we wanted, we are unhappy. The bottom line is, our vibrational setup is "unhappy unless XYZ". Of course we keep attracting unhappy shit into our lives. And we wonder why God is treating us so shitty?

'All there is' is completely connected and interweaved. The entire universe is a big pile of vibrational mass. 

There is a distinct connection, vibrationally and electrically, among our body, our mind, our thoughts, our feelings and emotions, our energy body, our meridians, our chakras, our aura, our spirit, through the Unified Field (or Divine Matrix as Greg Braden described) , with the Universe.

Everything about us is interweaved and inter-connected with the Universe. Imagine, one thing within us influence another part of us, one thought can heal, and one feeling can cause illness. Further more, our thoughts, feelings, vibrational setups, are intrinsically our attractor patterns that create our lives and everything around us. By observing our own thoughts, feelings, our reactions to our life events, we begin to understand what kind of attractor pattern we have, what emotional behaviors we have,  and perhaps we begin to see that 'the cause' is our vibrational set up, and our emotional energy is what powers the Universe to evolve around us.  Our life is simply 'the effect' of our vibrational setup. 

It might take you a few life times to really understand this principle. But now things are starting to make sense to you, other wise you wouldn't be sitting here reading this article. 

You and the entire Universe are one.  You are in the Driver's seat in your life, you just didn't know that.  We thought there was a GOD (as another entity bigger and greater than us) who was the driver, the boss.  I think the best way to describe the situation is, we are the Boss of our lives, and everyone else is the Boss of their own lives. The entire Universal Collective Consciousness, will take over the drivers seat if you don't drive, using your original vibrational setup, as auto pilot, running your lives.  But if you realize that you are in charge, then life is even more fun than a roller coaster ride..... because you can change your vibrational setup, and change what happens in your life.

It all sounds grand, but!!!!!..... we are going back to the beginning of this article....

we have to change our minds, our mental and emotional programs, challenge our beliefs and logics, change our vibrational setup (attractor patterns), so that the Universe's natural rhythms will finally operate on the new vibrational setup we created and manifest things in our lives the way we intended to create.

If you can change your vibrational setup and create your life, what would you call yourself?  The Creator? God?  There is nothing wrong about calling yourself either of those.  After all, there is no higher being out there that will punish you if you call yourself God.  

Let's put it in more simple terms, we are simply ONE with all there is, and that our mind and feelings are manifesting tools that allow us to CREATE. 

When we are feeling depressed, we create depressing situations in our life. When we are feeling satisfied and content, we create more satisfying and contenting situations in our life.  Get it? 

We are the cause of everything in our lives, whether you consciously know it or not. Whether you want to believe it or not. 

While some are on spiritual journey, seeking enlightenment, some are looking for healing and/or joy and happiness. What is it that we are really looking for?  A secret that brings us eternal happiness and joy?

It had taken me about 30 plus years of misery and14 years of active seeking, using all of my alternative healing knowledge and ability, my intuitive ability, including out of body experience, communicating with multi dimensional beings, non-physical beings, channelling, expansion of my mind to tap into the universal source consciousness and data base(Akashic Records).  I finally got things sorted out.  And I am ready to share all of my understandings with you.

So now you understand that it is so so so so important to get to the state of contentment and happiness, so that you can create more of the same.  How to get there becomes the challenge.

All I can offer is everything I did in my own experience. I can not say that it is the best way,  but it had gotten me here, a place of joy, happiness and contentment. I had manifested a life that I only work a few hours a week, I travel and sight see a lot, I write, I share my knowledge of healing, my thoughts, my observations and my realizations with others, I help others find their peace and joy. My life is purposeful, meaningful, and there is loads of joy and excitement in everything I do. 

Sounds good to you? It is not a simple process, but I guarantee you that it works.  It worked for me, and it will work for you too if you want it bad enough. That means, you are willing to take on challenges and question yourself, your mind, your beliefs and your logic. You are ready to make changes in your life, ready to change your mind, ready to overhaul your entire life....... and have a brand new life.  

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The following is a list of principles that I and my ex-boyfriend had concluded from our life experiences. We did not come up with all of it.  The principles had been out there for a long time.  Many writers, authors and philosophers are also spokesperson for the Universal Collective Consciousness.  

When you realize your ability to feel good, you will ask no one to make changes so that you could feel better.  -- Abraham Hicks

The following principles are inspired by many teachings of the Universe, particularly The Four Agreementsand The Voice of Knowledge by Don Miguel Ruiz and Loving What Is by Byron Katie, Evolve Your Brain-The Science of Changing Your Mind by Joe DispenzaAbraham Hicks, and David Hawkins.
- compiled by Tim Armantrout and Sunny Wang 

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Be Impeccable With Your Word

  • Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love. 
  • You can not be responsible for other’s thoughts, feelings, and actions. 
  • You cannot control how others think or feel. 
  • When you words come from the source of Truth and Love, it is integrity, despite how others perceive it. 
  • When your words come from anger, fear, revenge, and resentment, you are not in integrity despite how others perceive it. 

Be Impeccable With Your Thinking

Most people do not realize that when we react to others' words and behaviors, there is a process within us that is an action of interpretation, conclusion and assumption based on our past experience.  This is what I call the unnoticeable by-pass. It is as if your brain by-passed the thinking process and jump right into a preset state.

It takes a lot of practice to get observant and conscious enough to be able to actually observe this process that happens within, because it happens so fast. But if you can identify this process, you can slow it down enough to actually question the conclusions, assumptions, the emotional responses, and the necessity of our reactions. Once you start to question them, you may find many of them are untrue, unnecessary, and unrelated to you, and that you can be free yourself from all of the unpleasant reactions. 

  • Consciously choose thoughts that create LOVE, PEACE and JOY. Avoid using thoughts against yourself. Use the power of your thinking in the direction of truth and love. 
  • Nothing outside of you can ever bring you lasting fulfillment. 
  • Your own thinking (and/or programming) creates how you feel. 
  • You can change how you feel by changing your thinking(programming). 
  • Feelings indicate whether or not your thinking is in alignment with Source energy. 
  • You have the power to undo the beliefs that limit you. 
  • Everything is perfect for its purpose. You just need to be able to identify the purpose.
  • Everyone is right in his or her own perspective. The question is, can you see, understand, and empathize that perspective? 
  • When you know what is true, you do not need anyone to agree with you for it to be more true. 
  • You define what you see and what you hear. 
  • You are the source of how you define and interpret others' words and behavior. 
  • Your reality is the mirror of your thinking and programming. 
  • Freedom lies within the power of your thinking. 
  • Words alone do not judge or hurt. The listeners choose the interpretation of the words. 

Give Yourself the Credit You Deserve 

People are accustomed to think that somebody taught me something. Particularly when facing a philosophical analysis or spiritual principles. We tend to say: "so-ad-so inspired me." or "so-and-so is so inspiring."  I like to ask you to stop and think for a moment. 

This conclusion neglected the consciousness/mind that understood the material. 

Think about this: if someone speaks a language you are completely foreign to, say French or Italian for example. No matter what they say, you won't understand a darn thing at all. That is because you, the listener, does not have the ability to comprehend this information. Nothing spoken is understandable unless you previously had learn a bit of this language somehow somewhere.  The same situation applies to spiritual and philosophical teachings. If you do not already have the ability to comprehend the material, any teaching is only going to be gibberish to you.
  • Your inner wisdom (God-Consciousness) is your teacher. 
  • No one can inspire you with words or actions. Your inspiration rises from the God-Consciousness within. The credit they deserve is in proving the information. 
  • When you appreciate your own uniqueness, you will not need others to appreciate you. 
  • Appreciate the uniqueness of others. 
  • You are a Physical Extension of Source Energy. 
  • You are the creator of Your Universe. 
  • When you know what you give is invaluable, you will not need anyone to know it or to recognize it for it to be true. 

Redefine Perfection

What is 'perfection'? Most people think of an ideal situation, and call that perfection.  Then everything that does not meet that ideal, becomes imperfect. There is nothing wrong about this way of thinking. However, with this attitude, life is never perfect, nothing is ever perfect, no one is ever perfect, and you, yourself is never perfect either. If you haven't noticed, this is a very depressing life attitude. Your brain is accustomed to continuously looking for perfection. In the process of doing so, you will be very well trained to focus and look for "what is not good" and continue to create that self-fulfilling prophesy of a miserable life: Nothing is ever good enough. 

Stop for a moment and reflect in your life.  Have you seen people like this?  Have you been able to observe yourself being this way?  

Have you been very successful  in creating misery in your life? Do you want to the misery to continue? Or would you rather create a different life? Are you ready to make a shift? If you are, read on.

Here, we can begin a different way of looking at events and things in life. I'll tell you why it is important in a few minutes.

Everything, event, person.... has its purpose, meaning, and its originality. And it itself is in harmony and is 'in a state of perfection'. 

Only when we, human, decided that we wanted the thing, event, person, whatever it is... to be the way we wanted it to be, different than what it is, we deem it 'imperfect'.  

When we have a life attitude of wanting things to be the way they are not, to be the way we want them to be, we are constantly unhappy, constantly displeased and disappointed. The reality is, our expectations created our own disappointment. It is like saying that "I want a fish to bark like a dog. And if the fish does not bark like a dog, it is imperfect!" or "I want the dog to do dishes and clean my house for me. And if the dog does not do dishes and clean my house, it is imperfect!" 

I am not telling you to give up completely about life, but simply switching the way we look at things. This is a process to retrain our brain to operate differently. If our brain has been very successful in finding faults about life, we can train the brain to find satisfaction about life.  (Ref: Evolve Your Brain: The Science of Changing Your Mind by Dr. Joe Dispenza )

If something isn't the way we wanted it to be, then we would look at what purpose it did serve for us.  

Everything has its purpose. If we do not see its purpose, it doesn't mean the purpose did not exist.  It just meant that we are incapable of seeing, understanding and comprehend the purpose. Now put that statement in an situation in our life that we did not care for, and try to find the purpose it had served for us.  

"What good did it serve me that I did not see?" we may ask ourselves. Believe it or not, if you want to see the benefit that it served you, you will always find it.  If you do not want to see the benefit it served you, then you won't find it.  There is a great inner dialogue that is waiting to happen. This is a great opportunity to observe yourself, your habitual thinking and conclusion process(that had created your life experience and any agony there is).  Only with the willingness to admit that we created our own agony will we have the opportunity to revamp ourselves, and create something different. 

Sometimes an unpleasant event in our life triggered us to take different steps in our life. As unpleasant as it was, it was perfect in motivating us to take that different step in life.  When you see an unpleasant event has done us good, and that nothings else could have influenced us the same way, you will be able to understand its perfection, in its own sense. 

  • Everything is perfect in its own way. Even though it may not be the way we think it was or expect it to be.
  • Everything has a perfect purpose.

Take Nothing Personally

  • Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream and their own story. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you will be free from needless suffering. 
  • Nothing that others say or do is ever personal. 
  • Others cannot emotionally hurt you unless you choose to be hurt. 
  • No one is responsible for your thoughts, feelings and actions. 
  • You can not be responsible for others thoughts, feelings and actions. 
  • You are only responsible for your own thoughts, feelings, and actions. 
  • When you ask others to be responsible for your feelings, you are in victim mode. 
  • How others think or feel about you reflects their own beliefs about themselves. 
  • How you think or feel about others reflects your own beliefs about yourselves. 
  • What others think about me is none of my business. 
  • What you think about others is none of their business. 
  • You can not control other’s thinking. 
  • No one can control your thinking. 

Don't Make Assumptions

  • Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings. 
  • Your interpretation of another's behavior is never what it really is. 
  • Reality is always kinder than the story you tell about it. 
  • When you argue with reality (with should, ought to, or have to), you lose 100% of the time. 
  • You never know the answer until you ask. 
  • Each thought is as valid as another. 
  • Don’t assume others view life the way you do. 
  • Don’t assume others think or feel the same way you do. 
  • Do not assume others know what you are thinking or feeling. 
  • Don’t assume others share the same understanding of the words you use. 
  • Be clear about your intentions before questioning another's motives. 
  • Your past experience has nothing to do with what may happen next. 
  • People change. What you remember about others is no longer true. Get to know who they are now. 

Always Do Your Best

  • Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. 
  • Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret. 
  • Your best IS good enough. 

Law of Attraction 

We are vibrational beings.  Every thought, feeling, idea, memory (conscious or unconscious) is part of our vibrational setup.  Our vibrational setup is the cause of our life events.  The universe simply respond to our vibrational setup. 

So when we focus on an experience.  Whether with joy or anger, we are indirectly telling the Universe, we want that experience.  The more emotions and feelings we give to that experience, the more we are going to create (the universe is going to respond with) that same or similar experience.  This is how I describe Law of Attraction.
  • You are a Physical Extension of that which is Non-physical. You are one with source energy /consciousness. 
  • Ask and it is given. Be careful how you ask it!
  • The basis of your life is Freedom; the purpose of your life is Joy. 
  • Law of Attraction is about being 100% responsible with what we attract into our lives. When you claim this responsibility, you also own the power to make changes. 
  • Blaming others for your mishaps means you have given up your power to create something different. 
  • You must align yourself with Source energy to receive. 
  • There is only love, the rest is an illusion. 
  • Anything that you can imagine is yours to be or do or have. 
  • The more intense your feelings (either positive or negative), the faster it is coming to you. 
  • You are choosing your creations as you are choosing your thoughts. 
  • Actions to be taken and money to be exchanged are by-products of your focus on joy. 
  • It is not necessary for even one other person to understand the Laws of the Universe in order for you to have a wonderful, happy, productive life experience for you are the attractor of your experience. Just you! 
  • Your soul experiences are your personal blueprint and attractor patterns. 
  • Emotions activate the attractor patterns and attract new yet similar experiences into our lives. 
  • Your choice of focus creates your personal experience. 
  • You can not fake your attraction point. 
  • When your thoughts and beliefs are not in alignment with Universal Truth, you suffer. 
  • Interactive behaviors are activated by each other’s attractor patterns. You attract others’ behavior towards you. Others attract your behavior towards them. 
  • In the midst of contrast, we launched our desire. 
  • When we continue to dwell on the negativity, we are not in alignment with what we desire. 
  • The art of Allowing is to bring yourself into vibrational alignment of what you want. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Neuro-Emotional Reprogramming (NER©)

Neuro-Emotional Reprogramming© (NER©) is a biomechanically based muscular balancing system that corrects muscular misfiring conditions correlated to emotional stress. NER© is one of the very few programs that focuses on the correction of emotional patterns. NER© is not only a muscle balancing program; it is also a spiritual and emotional healing process.

Who Can Benefit from NER©?

If you have any acute or lingering physical ailment, muscular or joint pain, you may want to give NER© a try. When you come with an open mind and an intention to heal, you are guaranteed a pleasant result. NER© in the past few years have benefited clients with:

  • Complaint: Rupture disc with excruciating pain. Result: Client received complete pain relief and surgery cancelled by the doctor after four sessions.
  • Complaint: Various degrees of diastisis recti, a condition of abdominal wall separation frequently developed during pregnancy. Currently there is no other known fast cure for this condition besides invasive surgery or long term physical therapy. Result: Client’s abdominal wall was restored to proper function and the separation reduced significantly within 1-3 sessions.

  • Complaint: Plantar fasciitis. Result: Clients received complete relief of pain and the need for orthotics in everyday living.
  • Complaint: Knee pain and corn on one foot. Result: Client received complete pain relief in one session.
  • Complaint: Chronic fibromyalgia. Result: Client reduced symptoms significantly.

  • Complaint: Linger pain from old ACL injury after surgery repair. Result: Client received complete pain relief.
  • Complaint: Restricted motion/scar tissue from surgeries. Result: Clients increased range of motion.
  • Complaint: Arthritis from a 20+ year-old ruptured PCL, not surgically repaired. Client requires wearing a large custom made knee brace during athletic activity. Result: Client received complete pain relief and return to athletic routine without the need for knee brace.
  • Complaint: Chronic adductor tightness and pain. Client was treated by MAT therapist for over a year with monthly maintainence treatment. With NER©, client received complete pain relief and improved athletic performance in 1 session.
  • Competitive swimmer broke four personal best records in five treatment sessions (within six weeks). Client was also recommended a unique exercise prescription targeted to strengthen the weaker range of the strokes.

Muscle misfiring (inability to engage on demand) causes muscular system imbalances. System imbalance creates an uneven force to the joints. This causes joint irritation, muscle tightness, reduced muscular function, balance problems and various muscular and joint pains.

There are many possible causes of muscle misfiring which includes muscle fatigue, muscle overload, externally introduced physical force (ie, physical fall, trauma, car accidents and so forth), nutritional & chemical influences, energy imbalances, emotional stress and more. When a practitioner identifies the original cause of the misfiring, the muscle misfiring can be corrected immediately and permanently.

How NER© was Developed

NER© was founded and developed by Sunny Wang, an intuitive healer with extensive training in advanced biomechanics of Resistance Training Specialist Master (RTSM), and various kinesiology training such as Muscle Activation Technique (MAT), Touch for Health (TFH) and partial training in Professional Kinesiology Practice (PKP). (For facts and histories regarding these modalities, please read attachments at end of this article.)

This experience and trainings makes Sunny well qualified in identifying the imbalances and correcting causes from muscle fatigue, overload and injuries. She worked as a MAT therapist in a Chiropractor’s office from 2002 - 2003. While the MAT program claims to correct all muscular imbalances, Sunny found that there are situations where the client required repeated treatments. In the interest of the client and search for cure, she continued to study other forms of kinesiology to improve treatment effectiveness. In TFH and PKP programs, emotional connection to physical imbalances peaked Sunny’s interest. Despite the disagreement from MAT program founder Greg Roskopf and disapproval from Sunny former employer, she continued to research in finding correction for emotional patterns and programs.

Sunny concluded that when a muscular dysfunction is caused by an emotional response, the muscle’s function can be permanently restored by neutralizing the emotional patterns/programs. This approach is extremely effective when compared to the traditional manual therapy in MAT.

When the cause of the muscle dysfunction is emotional stress, it usually requires repeated treatment to desensitize the muscle’s sensitivity to the emotional response. Using NER©, not only is the muscle function restored, the emotional pattern/program is also neutralized, so that the experience will no longer be perceived as stress.

Where there is a will, there is a way. Sunny’s strong drive to seek methods that would resolve emotional patterns some how coincided with the rapid regaining of her clairvoyant ability. Instead of using kinesiology to access feedback from client’s body, she was able to use her extra sensory perception to access more detailed information.

In the following few years, Sunny applied these methods to resolve her own emotional patterns . She underwent a series of spiritual transformation and became a clear channel for Universal information and energy. Sunny is not only capable of accessing information from the client’s body, she can access Akashic Records, communicate with multi-dimensional beings, channel other consciousnesses and Mother Earth consciousness.

What are Emotional Programs?

Emotional program is a memory of an event associated with a certain emotional feedback. This memory acts like a computer software program that generates our emotional response to our external circumstances. We have enormous amount of memories that are active as programs. Most of these are unconscious. These programs are often incomplete memories and can be very irrational. They include childhood and pre-birth experiences, in-between incarnations, other life/time, cultural/environmental and genetic programs.

Emotions are embedded into our physical body as information/vibration. When this vibration disrupts the signals from our neurological system to either the muscles or other cells, organs and glands, the receiving end of the signals are distorted. Hence, there is a dysfunction or imbalance . By intuitively identifying these emotional patterns and using a variety of guided methods to neutralize these vibrations, the physical function restores immediately. Muscular imbalances can be restored and joint stress or pain eliminated.

“I believe healing originates from within. My role is to simply listen to the body’s wisdom, conduct the information and facilitate the healing.”
~ Sunny Wang

NER is gradually shifting into a spiritual self healing process that anyone can use at the comfort of your own space. This information is being organized and will be available soon.

If you have MAT, TFH, or other type of muscular related kinesiology background and would like to expand your scope of practice, Please feel free to contact Sunny Wang for more information.

Disclaimer: Neither Neuro-Emotional Reprogramming© nor Sunny Wang claim to diagnose, cure or treat any medical conditions. Please refer to licensed medical professionals for proper diagnosis. NER© is provided as an alternative approach in addition to medical treatment. Its founding principle is mind/body connection. Through reprogramming the emotional mind, client’s body restores itself to the natural healthy state.

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Programs That Inspired 
Neuro-Emotional Reprogramming© (NER©)

Neuro-Emotional Reprogramming© (NER©) was founded and developed by Sunny Wang, an intuitive healer with extensive training in advanced biomechanics of Resistance Training Specialist Master (RTSM), and various kinesiology training such as Muscle Activation Technique (MAT), Touch for Health (TFH) and partial training in Professional Kinesiology Practice (PKP).

Resistance Training Specialist Mastery level (RTSM)

Resistance Training Specialist is a comprehensive and technical program focused on the science of body movements and force distribution. Founded by Tom Purvis, RPT. and Mitch Simon, DC. in 1996, RTS pioneered the health and fitness trend in studying, understanding and analyzing the human motion instead of memorizing muscle functions and exercises. As described on the Resistance Training Specialist website, “The RTS Mastery level (RTSM) is not named for a final level of achievement. It is based upon the classic principles of mastery: the discipline for exploring and examining the depth of information, the wisdom in developing a thought process rather than relying on protocols, the surrender of biases and emotional attachments to be replaced by objectivity, and the unconditional love for the process of life-long learning.”


Kinesiology is a communication tool using muscle testing as a form of biofeedback. Kinesiology is the science of energy balancing and is grounded in the study of anatomy and physiology. Kinesiology enables people to detect and correct various imbalances and stress responses to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of our lives.

Detroit chiropractor Dr. George Goodheart discovered the field of Kinesiology and teaches a system called Applied Kinesiology (AK). This system is taught exclusively to MDs and chiropractors. Dr. JohnThie was one of the first dozen students of Dr. Goodheart and shortly afterwards created Touch For Health Kinesiology (TFH). Many professionals trained in Applied Kinesiology and Touch For Health went on to use muscle testing in new creative applications. There are now dozens of specialized kinesiology programs. Many have a specific focus on structural, educational, emotional, psychological, or spiritual balancing.

Alan G. Beardall, DC. who collaborated with Goodheart during early research in Kinesiology and developed Clinical Kinesiology (CK) which includes extensive research and testing method of testing each division of each muscle. Clinical Kinesiology focuses on electromagnetic, structural and chemical therapeutics. This program later inspired Greg Roskopf in developing Muscle Activation Technique.

Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT), developed by Greg Roskopf, a biomechanics expert who has worked as a consultant for numerous professional sports teams, is a dynamic muscular assessment system that analyzes and corrects muscular imbalances primarily using manual tissue stimulation and nutritional supplementation to correct muscle imbalances.

Touch For Health (TFH) is a simple and practical system developed by Dr. John Thie, TFH intended for lay people to have a simple yet powerful tool to help themselves, their families and friends. The basis of Touch for Health Kinesiology is balancing the acupuncture energy system without using needles or the traditional Chinese acupuncture’s assessment called ‘reading the pulses’.

The Professional Kinesiology Practitioner (PKP) system was developed by Dr. Bruce Dewe, MD, from New Zealand, and from the research contributions of dozens of kinesiology practitioners around the world. PKP is a system of addressing issues on the physical, energetic, mental, emotional, biochemical and spiritual levels based on a priority protocol.


Thanks to Tom Purvis of RTS program and Greg Roskopf of MAT program in assisting Sunny’s initial involvement in healing profession, and to the continuous encouragement and support of Larry and Arleen Green of US Kinesiology Institute, Sunny Wang was able to develop Neuro Emotional Reprogramming©.

About Sunny Wang


Sunny Wang is an intuitive with many talents. She achieved the state of Divine Union/ONENESS with all in 2004. She communicates with Universal Collective Consciousness, multi-dimensional beings and accesses Akashic records.


Sunny accesses God Consciousness, Universal truth and Akashic records directly without using personal spirit guides. She communicates with your personal guides, angels and the deceased. She also communicates and/or channels many high consciousness groups including the Guardians, the Ancestors, and the Arcturians.


Sunny has a very unique connection with Gaia, Earth consciousness. This gift allows her to strategically create harmonious energy wherever desired. This may include residential, commercial property or large areas of land. This can be done remotely or on site at your property.


This special connection with Mother Gaia also gifted her with the ability to
customize energy amulets and jewelry for individuals. These hand-made energy pieces have powerful effects in healing, consciousness transformation, and energy balancing. “When I make a piece for someone, I wait until I see the picture in my minds eye. Gaia is channeling through me when I make these amulets and jewelry.” is how she describes it.


Because of this Gaia connection, Sunny is also an Earth Shaman. She possesses ability to match herbs, gems stones, essential oils and many other frequency producing tools to the clients’ needs. She communicates with consciousness of the land, mountains, stones, rivers, forest and animal spirits, and intuitively performs energy/spiritual ceremonies when the land calls for it.


Sunny has a high integrity and is trustworthy. While she was seeing clients as a spiritual counselor, with each client inquiry, she accesses the Akashic records first to make sure this meeting is for the client’s highest good before she schedules the appointment. She conducts messages with no personal intention/agenda and no sugar-coating. There is never any intention to keep bringing the client back for more sessions beyond what is guided.


Sunny moved to Taiwan in June of 2010, on a Universe guided mission, sharing her teaching and assist many develop their innate intuitive talent. Her Mandarin blog is 

This blog is mostly written in Mandarin Chinese. There are however, some articles in English. This blog has reached half a million hits in January of 2014.

Instead of seeing clients one-on-one, the Universe nudged Sunny into developing self-healing programs, methods, and vibrational/energy products that assist those who are on their journey to Godself discovery. This is what Sunny will be sharing in this blog: Freeing the Mind that Binds You.

Neuro-Emotional Reprogramming© (NER©) is a biomechanically based muscular balancing system that corrects muscular misfiring conditions correlated to emotional stress. Founded and developed by Sunny Wang, who has extensive training in advanced biomechanics of Resistance Training Specialist Master (RTSM), and various kinesiology training such as Muscle Activation Technique (MAT), Touch for Health (TFH) and partial training in Professional Kinesiology Practice (PKP). 

NER© is a program that focuses on the correction of emotional patterns. NER© is not only a muscle balancing program; it is also a spiritual and emotional healing process. If you have any acute or lingering physical ailment, muscular or joint pain, you may want to give NER a try. 

Sunny Wang currently resides in Ireland. Her focus is on teaching, product development and writing.