Saturday, May 3, 2014

Origin of Human Emotional Response

Where Does Our Emotional Response Come From?

Why do we emotionally respond to certain things a certain way?

So far I had identified two different sources.  One is physical, the other is metaphysical.

Physical: Associated Memories of Neural Network

The physical element is about the neural network that our brain had developed during past events.  If you are familiar with Dr. Joe Dispenza's work, he talks about "Brain cells that fire together wire together. Brain cells that wire together, fire together." The following is a short clip of the movie "What the Bleep Do We Know?".

Our brain creates emotional response based associated memories which came from the brain cells that fired together in the past and got wired together. When we encounter a person or an event, based on our similar past experience, the neurons that are wired together from the past experiences, now fire together and create the same associated emotional response.

These emotional response is almost instant and is very difficult to identify.  The feeling is absolutely real, yet, it is only hologram of the past.

Metaphysical: Attractor Patterns/Emotional Programs

The metaphysical source of our emotional response, is what I called emotional programs.  These are some kind of history or memories that may have came from the etheric field in the form of radio signals, that somehow the brain, or our memories picked up.

Some people may refer to these emotional programs as past life events. Personally, I think contributing everything to past life is very limiting. Through experience with client sessions and my person healing, I had identified many types, which in the next paragraph I will explain in detail.  Also from my years of experimenting healing and balancing these emotional programs, I also found that these programs act as attractor patterns that attracts our life events and experiences. Yes, these attractor patterns is the basis of how and why Law of Attraction works in our lives.

The Characteristics of Emotional Programs

(1) first person experience: the story line is always a first person's experience and his/her feelings and emotional responses during one or many events.

(2)  can be small part of a story line or a complete story, occasionally we see multiple unrelated stories entangled together.

(3) There is always strong emotions associated with the experience.  most of the time more than one emotions

(4) storyline is mostly very dramatical, may include tragic loss and death but not limited to these types.

(5) even happy feelings has programs, but usually does not require healing or balancing.

(6) stories are not limited to human/earth experience. Alien or non-physical form experience is also very common.

Types of Emotional Programs:

(1) Childhood events and pre-birth experience

(2) In-womb downloads of mother's experience

(3) Genetic: events associated with ancestor’s experiences, yet it feels very personal.

(4) Other time, other person's experience: events associated with a different time-line as a different person, yet it feels very personal. Many sees this type as past-life experience. Can be human, animal, aliens and so forth.

(5) Limbo experience: character expereince as a being in suspension, may identify this type as in-between-incarnation experience.

(6) Non-physical form consciousness experience

(7) Movie and novel storyline

How I Retrieve these Emotional Programs

In the beginning I was a kinesiologist, so I would muscle test clients and find details of these programs and its associated emotions.  When I developed stronger intuition, I was able to identify these program using my extra sensory system. Sometimes I see visual images, sometimes it is impressions and physical sensations.

For those who are non-believers of intuition, I would ask them to close their eyes and get in touch with their emotions. In the meditated state, use their creativity and come up with a fictional story. "Under what kind of circumstance would this character of the story has this feeling".  I may use different questions to guide them, such as "focus on the feeling, where are you?", " What do you see around you?",  "Who are you?", "Who iss there with you?" , "What happened?" , "What are/were you doing?"

Clients were not hypnotized. I just ask them to relax and use their creativity. Almost in very single case, client will come up with a very detailed story or very vivid impressions that surprised themselves.

The balancing:

Next article I will share with you what you can do to balance these programs in a very easy six step process similar to EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique).

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