Friday, May 9, 2014

The Way I Live My Life

Everyone has their own way to live their lives; their own way to process things, and their own way to grow.  I am not saying my way is better.  Just sharing my thought and maybe you will find something that benefit you somehow.

Years ago, I found out the way I related to people was complaints and telling misfortunate stories of my life.  I learned it from my mother because that was the only way she knew how to connect to people. When I saw that of me, I was shocked.  I decided that this is not going to be my way of life.

Through years of reading self-help materials and working my personal healing, I was able to make 100% peace with myself.  Making peace, in the beginning was about finding self love, self value, self worth, self respect and self acceptance. Every time I found an issue related to these topic, I would track down the emotional programs and balance it.  I use muscle test to test on the percentage on all of subjects. It took a few years but I was able to reach 100% on all of them.

Eventually, what was important about self love, self value, self worth and self respect and self acceptance became completely irrelevant. Other's people's opinion regarding me and what other thinks of me is no longer my business.  I am immune of other's opinion of me.

This is very freeing. Yet at times, people gets really angry at me because they are not getting the response they wanted.

I am not necessarily a nice person all the time. I just be, however I am at any given time. Because I am no longer emotionally attached to other people's opinions, I would just say what I think and what I want to say. My only rule to myself is that I would not use my words intentionally hurt people. I always try to help people free themselves from their circumstance or their attachment to the outcome.

Sometimes people do expect you to say what they want to hear. People like this tend to get upset about what I said.  But that's life isn't it? I remember many times clients gets really upset about what I said and walked off without paying me.  I also often get thank you letters or positive testimony years later because they finally realized what I said helped them even though they did not want to hear it at the time.

Some people hates me for the way I am and some really loves me for it.  Isn't this how it is anyways even if you sensor your words?

I don't argue with reality.  If you had read Byron Katie's "Loving What Is" you would know what I mean.  What ever happened is reality.  If we keep saying: "You should have..." "He should have...." and "you shouldn't have...." you can just keep staying angry because what happened already happened and no one can time travel to change anything.

Anything in reality that emotionally irritates me, bothers me, There has gotta be emotional programs, certain beliefs that isn't necessary true, or past memories associations.  So I would track them down and balancing emotional programs, challenge my beliefs, or just keep rehearsing new scenarios I like in my mind so I can create new emotional associations (neural-network).

Negative emotional response to anything is a very powerful thing.  It is almost like the Universe is reminding us that we have a bomb and someone or something triggered it. We can remove the trigger, but the next time there is another trigger, the bomb still blows up. When we remove the bomb, there will be no trigger. There won't be anymore negative emotional response.

So I always use the method I mentioned on the previous articles, identify the emotional programs and balance them. When you balanced the emotional effect from the meridian dimension, the emotions disappear. The program no longer has a negative output of emotions. Occasionally the Universe would show me other methods that is more suitable for certain cases, I would adopt it right away. I think the Universal collective consciousness is definitely smarter than me.

It is really nice to have a tool like this because I had loads of programs that no longer benefit me. I am determined to clean out the programs that no longer serves as a positive influence in my life.

Here is the reason I say "programs that no longer serves as a positive influence": People tend to think that negative emotions are all negative to our lives.  The truth isn't so.  Some negative emotions can be very helpful in our lives depending on what, where and when the emotions occur.

Sometimes we are angry at something but we don't speak up.  Maybe at the time what we really need to learn from the lesson is to speak our truth. The anger plays a very important role as a motivator.  However, not every case is the same. You may ask me how you can discern the difference. When you can muscle test with a clear intention and no attachment, you can actually access that information.

I think every negative emotion had its purpose at one point. After it provided the purpose, we can release it and remove the program.

Personally, I prefer being immune to my surroundings if you know what I mean. No one can emotionally manipulate or blackmail me into doing anything. I am happy in my own skin and whatever I do. Everything I do is out of my own intention. There is definitely an unspeakable freedom in this kind of life. :o)

In the recent two years or so, I began to see how things and people around me change very rapidly after I change my programs.  I can see that there is definitely a shift in the attractor patterns and what attitude I attract from people.

I also saw myself change in the past two decades from a 90% masculine energy expression and a 40% feminine energy moving up to having 100% on both. I was a tomboy growing up.  When I was in my teens, I did not want to be a girl. when I was 50, I began to realize that even though I could live the rest of my life with the same energy set up, but I would certainly be missing out on an experience that someone with 100% male and 100% female energy can have. So I decided to look into the programs that blocks the 60% female energy and the 10% of male energy.

It was a month long personal retreat when I worked on these topics.  I did take time off whenever I feel like to. During the process, I could feel the shift in my energy as well as my physical movements. I even saw my aesthetics shifted dramatically. I began to appreciate clothing, shoes that are more feminine.

I just wanted to share my personal experience so you know that a person's personality is not set in stone.  we can change, shift and evolve. And here is a tool. 

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