Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Example of an Emotional Program

I wanted to share an experience of mine in my personal life about an emotional program that I identified and balanced recently.  Perhaps it will give you some ideas about what an emotional program is, how to identify it and what the balancing process feel like.

All of this you can do perhaps with the help of a few close friends who are not closed minded.

A close friend of mine complained that I was cold and uncompassionate when he needed comforting.

In my experience that I had previously identified, I really really dislike people who are emotionally needy, particularly those who want you to be nice and sweet to them, listen to their misery, sometimes repeated stories or something that happened a long time ago that they refuse to heal from because it is a good way to get love and attention. If you don't offer the sweetness and kindness they are looking for, their attitude turn 180 degrees around and get pissed off at you.

One of my sisters is like that.  So I decided to stay away from her.  Well, I thought I could just stay away from her and get my peace, but apparently I must have attractor patterns(also emotional program) that attract other people who would do the same to me.

So this time, I decided to take some time and look at what the program is that keeps attracting the same experience into my life. Perhaps this time, after I balanced my attractor pattern, I would finally stop running into the same kind of situation.

Normally I can access most of the programs using my intuitive ability. Occasionally, I would need to get my friends to help with brainstorming if I can not get the storyline myself.  This is one of the cases that I pretty much drew a blank. I called a couple of my friends to help me brain storm.

Having been a kinesiologist and using my intuitive ability for years, I developed a keen sense of "yes" or "no" inside.  It means, when I hear something, I would know whether it is closer to the truth, or far from truth.  Like a muscle test inside of me that tells me "yes" or "no", "correct" or "incorrect".

If you can learn to use muscle test, it would make the process much easier.  Just look up "self muscle testing" or "solo muscle testing" on Youtube.  It does take time to practice to get the proper force application. Muscle testing is NOT something you can master in minutes.  When I learned the one-hand-solo muscle testing, it took me almost a month of everyday practice. (A few minutes a few times every day.)

Basically, you can converse with the Universe using "play 20 questions" kind of way. An emotional program can be short or long.  Sometimes it is only one scene with a feeling, sometimes it can be a long played out story with lots of twist and turns. Jut remember, if it is a long one, be sure to ask the Universe whether you have enough information to start the balancing process.

So, here it is:

In this story(program), I was a concubine of a prince in a small country somewhere in Europe in the 9th century.

The prince had many wives. One of them was my sister, who is not only emotionally extremely needy, she also somehow figured out how to sweet talk and manipulate the prince to give her whatever she wanted all the time. She gained some political power, which was what I wanted. I resented her for that.

I was emotionally disconnected but had a very clear analytical mind. I despised my sister's behavior and stayed distance with her and the prince.  The reason I was married to the prince was because the prince's father, the king, valued my analytical ability.  He consulted me in many of his political decisions and had great results. I agreed to the marriage because I was ambitious about political power.

Because my sister's won most of the prince's attention, other prince's wives had became very jealous of her. The main wife decided to plot a conspiracy against her.

The main wife of the prince took an opportunity when the king's daughter, the princess, went on a trip.  She and another concubine set up a fake murder evidence of the princess' dead body. She framed my sister for the murder. The king was enraged and killed my sister, burn me to death and executed everyone in my family.

Later on the king found out that the other concubine was the one that set up the fake evidence, he thought she was the only conspirator. So he executer her too. However, Prince's main wife was never caught for her involvement in plotting the fake murder.

My feelings towards someone who is emotionally manipulative is associated to my emotional response to the entire event.

In the process of my tapping/balancing, I began with "feeling resentful towards my sister and her emotional manipulating behaviors". As I finished tapping, I felt a very strong energy surge all over my body, as if I was on fire.  This is the physical sensation of being burned to death.  I also did a set of tapping with the physical sensation. It took about 10 minutes for the energy to subside.

The next emotion that surfaced was “hatred” towards my sister's behavior. I did a set of tapping and balanced that.

As I finished each set of tapping, the next emotion surfaced. Based on each new emotion that surfaced, I performed another set of tapping.

"Anger and rage toward the entire situation".

“Sadness towards how everything turned out".

"Despair when I was chased and caught".

"Regrets about incarnating into this life while I was being burnt".

Generally, the feeling towards current event in our life is subtler. They are also almost indescribable because it is a combination of many emotions.

I am offering a tool for you that you can take power into your own hands and change how you feel about anything you dislike or not feel good about.

In recent months, I have also discovered that when I change my feelings and balanced my programs, people around me seem to change their behavior, or sometimes become distance or disappear from my life.

I am not suggesting that you can manipulate others by changing your program. However, I do see that there are some kind of interactive vibrational patterns that is changed because I change my programs. I had not been able to identify how things is going to change around me precisely after I change my program. I did see it changing for the better, more comfortable for me and less stuff that irritates me.  I just think these interactive patterns are too complicated to understand completely. Despite that I am a very powerful psychic in many ways, I just don't think we are supposed to do certain things. This being one of them. Perhaps a completely predictable and manipulated life can be kind of boring!

Good luck with changing your life! Please feel free to share your life changing experience in our comment section using this method. I am sure other readers would be interested in reading about it.

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