About Sunny and the Blog

I am writing this blog to share my experience, reflections and knowledge in healing, meditation, self healing and more.  My main focus is to share what I know, what I saw and what I have done to change my life with the tools I had. I want to share these tools with those who are interested in learning how to be self-empowered, and want to have the tools and skills to heal and transform themselves.

To find out more about me and my experience and skills, please read About Sunny Wang.

If you are a healer or interested in healing DIY, you will find many valuable information that will add to your healing tools and techniques. Many of the conclusions may look very simple. However, every thing I share here is a conclusion that had taken many months or even years, using a process of elimination and accumulated experience.

When we are in the process of finding the answer, the path was winding. Because we didn't know what we were looking for. When we reached the final destination and looked back, we can see the simplicity of the answer.  Yet others can never imagine how difficult it is to reach this destination.  It is like taking a metro/subway from point A to point B.  We buy a ticket, hop on the metro and we reached the destination in 40 minutes.  We would have never thought about how much work it was in the surveying and planning of the construction, the safety precaution of building the system, the lengthy process of negotiating and purchasing the land, the infrastructure that was necessary for the entire metro/subway system to function.

Through my working experience with the chiropractor/kinesiologist, I had seen many energy products out there that he offered to his clients. A kinesiologist usually muscle test the client to see if the product is constructive to them (which means the muscle respond as strong). But very often, even though the client's muscle tested as strong to the product, I felt that the product itself had flaws, or can be improved.

It is not until I developed a very strong sensory awareness to subtle energy and being able to see the vibrational waves of energy did I have the ability to improve on these energy product or design proper energy products.

I have developed and designed some energy products as self healing tools. I will also be sharing them with you in the blog in the future.

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