Wednesday, February 19, 2014

About Sunny Wang


Sunny Wang is an intuitive with many talents. She achieved the state of Divine Union/ONENESS with all in 2004. She communicates with Universal Collective Consciousness, multi-dimensional beings and accesses Akashic records.


Sunny accesses God Consciousness, Universal truth and Akashic records directly without using personal spirit guides. She communicates with your personal guides, angels and the deceased. She also communicates and/or channels many high consciousness groups including the Guardians, the Ancestors, and the Arcturians.


Sunny has a very unique connection with Gaia, Earth consciousness. This gift allows her to strategically create harmonious energy wherever desired. This may include residential, commercial property or large areas of land. This can be done remotely or on site at your property.


This special connection with Mother Gaia also gifted her with the ability to
customize energy amulets and jewelry for individuals. These hand-made energy pieces have powerful effects in healing, consciousness transformation, and energy balancing. “When I make a piece for someone, I wait until I see the picture in my minds eye. Gaia is channeling through me when I make these amulets and jewelry.” is how she describes it.


Because of this Gaia connection, Sunny is also an Earth Shaman. She possesses ability to match herbs, gems stones, essential oils and many other frequency producing tools to the clients’ needs. She communicates with consciousness of the land, mountains, stones, rivers, forest and animal spirits, and intuitively performs energy/spiritual ceremonies when the land calls for it.


Sunny has a high integrity and is trustworthy. While she was seeing clients as a spiritual counselor, with each client inquiry, she accesses the Akashic records first to make sure this meeting is for the client’s highest good before she schedules the appointment. She conducts messages with no personal intention/agenda and no sugar-coating. There is never any intention to keep bringing the client back for more sessions beyond what is guided.


Sunny moved to Taiwan in June of 2010, on a Universe guided mission, sharing her teaching and assist many develop their innate intuitive talent. Her Mandarin blog is 

This blog is mostly written in Mandarin Chinese. There are however, some articles in English. This blog has reached half a million hits in January of 2014.

Instead of seeing clients one-on-one, the Universe nudged Sunny into developing self-healing programs, methods, and vibrational/energy products that assist those who are on their journey to Godself discovery. This is what Sunny will be sharing in this blog: Freeing the Mind that Binds You.

Neuro-Emotional Reprogramming© (NER©) is a biomechanically based muscular balancing system that corrects muscular misfiring conditions correlated to emotional stress. Founded and developed by Sunny Wang, who has extensive training in advanced biomechanics of Resistance Training Specialist Master (RTSM), and various kinesiology training such as Muscle Activation Technique (MAT), Touch for Health (TFH) and partial training in Professional Kinesiology Practice (PKP). 

NER© is a program that focuses on the correction of emotional patterns. NER© is not only a muscle balancing program; it is also a spiritual and emotional healing process. If you have any acute or lingering physical ailment, muscular or joint pain, you may want to give NER a try. 

Sunny Wang currently resides in Ireland. Her focus is on teaching, product development and writing. 

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