Sunday, May 4, 2014

Six Steps to Balance Emotional Programs

You have read "Origin of Human Emotional Response", perhaps you have identified something in your daily life that you have an emotional response to.

I need to stress something here.  Even though Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is widely available and many people teach it to balancing emotions.  From my experience, I found that EFT is often effective in releasing onset undesired emotions, but it is hardly ever balancing the root of the problem.  What I am trying to explain here is, if someone has a trigger of some sort, once triggered by an event or person, EFT can be effective in releasing the emotions.  However, next time the person come across a similar event or situation, the same emotional response will happen again.  And if you use EFT over and over on a recurrent issue, it eventually became ineffective.

In my experience, when we can identify the emotional program that is creating that certain emotional response and balance the program either with EFT or other healing methods, about 90% of the time, that emotional response will not reoccur. Even if it does, it is drastically reduced and/or has a very different emotional response.

After the program is balanced, when we encounter a similar event and had a different emotional response, it means that there are other emotional programs that is related to the emotional response of this event, or just more than one layer of emotions that required balancing.

It is common that one emotional program (meaning one storyline) can have many layers of emotions.  Some programs may have 10 or more layers.

And if we can muscle test (self-test or test by a practitioner), we can easily find out whether the entire emotional response (multiple layers of emotions) is completely balanced or not. If not, you can continue to dialogue with the body and find out what else needed to be done to complete the healing/balancing process.

Emotional Program Balancing:

Identify an incident or event that trigger an undesired negative emotional response within you.

Identify the emotional programs using the process mentioned in Origin of Human Emotional Response , you would muscle test for the number of emotional layers. Each layer usually requires one balancing process. So if you identify 8 layers of emotions, it means that you may need to do 8 balances to resolve the issue completely. You usually can only feel one emotion, even if you had muscle tested and received information for many layers. When you finish balancing one layer of emotion, the next layer of emotion will then surface.

Before you begin the tapping sequence, please make sure you focus on one single feeling in the emotional program. Set your intention on balancing this feeling in the program, and simultaneously think or recite “I completely love, accept, respect myself.”  (Self love statement -SLS). 

And if you can create a connection to ONEness feeling, that would be even better. If you can’t yet, don’t worry about it. 
During the tapping process, please allow plenty of time to observe and pay attention to the physical/energetic feeling and shifts in the body. When you feel a shift, then move on the the next step of tapping.

Tap repeatedly at a pace that is comfortable and not distracting for you.

Step 1:

Tap your two hands together as pictured.

Focus in on the feeling and recite the self love statement -SLS a few times during each tapping point.

“I completely love, accept, respect myself.” 

Move to the next step when you feel an internal shift.

Step 2:

Use 4 fingers each hand, tap each side of your head above your ears.

Focus in on the feeling and recite the self love statement -SLS.

Move to the next step when you feel an internal shift.

Step 3

Use 2 fingers to tap above and below the lips at the midline of your face.  

Focus in on the feeling and recite the self love statement -SLS.  

Move to the next step when you feel an internal shift.

Step 4

Use 3-4 fingers to tap your thymus.  It is located between your sternum and collarbones, at the midline of your chest.  

Focus in on the feeling and recite the self love statement -SLS.  

Move to the next step when you feel an internal shift.

Step 5

Tap the five fingers of both hands together. 

Focus in on the feeling and recite the self love statement -SLS. 

Move to the next step when you feel an internal shift.

Step 6

Hold the position of all the finger tips touching and wait until you feel the feeling you were releasing is completely dissolved.


Move on to the next feeling and repeat the tapping process until all of the feelings in this story line completely disappear.

Important Notes:

1. It is highly recommended to use muscle test to access information on
     a) how many layers of emotions is in this program?
     b) Are there more than one program to work with?
     c) whether it is important to identify a word to describe the emotion?
     d) Is the process complete?

2. Identifying an emotional program may take a few minutes. Occasionally it may take longer, or takes a bit of conversation with friends or a skilled practitioner to help you identify the reoccurring pattern and help guide you to find it.  If you muscle test and receive an answer that the program is not ready to be released or balanced.  That means this emotion still has certain function in your life that is very important to your life or your spiritual growth.

3. One balancing sequence should take somewhere between 2-5 minutes. Occasional emotional outburst is common.  When you encounter an emotional outburst, just stay with it and continue the tapping process. If you feel that you need to let the emotions flow, feel free to do so. Then resume tapping when you are ready.

4. If you can not identify the emotional program at all, go ahead and work with the feelings first. Then go back and try to identify the emotional program again. Sometimes the program will surface at a later time. Occasionally, it is not necessary to identify the program. It is best to muscle test to access the information.

5. If you are working on an emotional response to a current event, and not focus on the emotional program, this process can only relief you temporarily.  It is crucial to focus in onto your emotional programs in order to receive a permanent effect.

6. Very often emotional response that comes from an emotional program also had developed associated memories of neural network. You should ask the body using muscle test whether you need to continue to mentally rehearse a new desired scenario/emotional outcome in your mind and create new neural networks.

In the next article we will brief describe the relationship between emotions and our energy body and how emotions affect our health.

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