Sunday, May 4, 2014

Connections between Emotions and Body

I was a fitness trainer that studies advanced biomechanics.  please refer to "Neuro-Emotional Reprogramming" for my background information.

At young age, I used to talk to people who were deceased. I couldn't see them but I could communicate with them if they want to communicate with me. I had a couple of ghost friends at the time. They were all children.  As schooling got busy and competitive, I no longer had time to bum around. Eventually I forgot that part of my life.

Growing up, I had trouble reading and memorize text, but I had picture memory and was really good with object and spacial relationships. Needless to say, I always scored high in geometry and barely made my grades in Chinese Mandarin. It is not until later days when I realized that I am somewhat dyslexic. I still am. Many people ask me, how can you write? Well, I don't have trouble writing. Maybe I write at a slower pace than others.  I do, however, have some difficulty going back to read it and proof read my writing.

When I was studying biomechanic, I learned that human have a limited neurological effort.  If one does shoulder press sitting on a bench that supports his back, he can press a lot more weight than doing the same motion while standing. One shoulder presses less weight while standing because some of his total neurological effort is spread to keeping his whole body stable so that there are less strength available for the shoulder press.

Through the experience of my work, I realized that this situation also applies to our brain activity.  We have limited neurological effort available for our brain. When we are really good at something, we are bound to perform poor at some other things.

Like me, I am really poor at memorizing text, names of people and places, titles of songs, books and movies. however, I am brilliant in biomechanics, common physics, special visualizations, associations and correlations, logic processing, independent thinking. I have picture memories, and I remember people's voices and can recognize their voices after many years. I am really good at seeing things in a whole picture and broader perspective.

I have observed people in their brain power in my everyday life as well.  I have noticed that there are many people who are really good at memorizing text of certain information, yet they can not read a map or are directionally challenged. Some are math genius yet are emotional idiots.

I came to a conclusion, I accepted limitations as normal and focus on what is great and powerful. I do this for me, and I treat other people around me with the same principle. I longer ask them to be a certain way, simply, sometimes they are just not capable. Of course, some argue with me about my conclusion. True limitation is normal. Not everybody can learn 20 different languages and not everybody is a math genius. Instead of pushing them to perform better at what they have trouble with, I accept their limitation and try to find out what their brain is good at, and push for that potential.

I even visited an autistic care center and spent time with the clients.  I found out that some of them are brilliant in mind power or have super extra sensory awareness.  Their brain may look malfunction in some ways.  They are brilliant in things that we can not comprehend.

Well, back to the subject about emotions and our body.

Traditional kinesiology developed and used by common chiropractors do not work with emotions. They deal with muscular system, meridians system (energy system of the body Chinese medicine) and uses supplements and manual therapy to help balance the system.

When I took my MAT certification, The practical exam is to do a full body balance on Greg, the founder of the program.  After I finished the practical exam I asked him, "If you are getting MAT done on yourself on a regular bases, why do you still have so many muscles still shut down?" He replied: "Stress."

I didn't quite get the whole picture at the time. Later on when I work with clients at the chiropractor's office, I began to see more and more cases of muscle shut down causing aches and pains because of emotional stress.

Ps, "Muscle shut down" is a term we used to describe the muscle not firing properly on demand. When the body moves, the entire muscular system function as a tight knit of force endurer. when we move, walk, play sports, the muscular structure is creating a balance between our strength, our weight, gravity, and the movement.  When one muscle in the chain does not provide proper support at the instant of movement (demand), the force is displaced onto other parts of the body, whether it be muscles or joints.  Eventually, that force causes pain.

In the cases that muscles were shut down due to injuries, or physical stress, MAT was brilliant in restoring the muscle firing ability. In the cases of emotional imbalances and energy imbalanced that contributed to the muscle shutdown, MAT treatment can only hold the results for minutes. Energy balance and use of nutritional supplements also have very limited long term results.

So I begin to experiment in working with the mind and emotions, to see how long the effect last.  And to my surprise, when clients change their emotions that was the contributor of a muscle shutdown, the muscle fires up without any kind of treatment.

I decided to learn more about how emotions effect the body, so I began to take classes in other forms of kinesiology.

Professional kinesiology, Touch for Health, Body Talk, and many track of kinesiology works with emotions, and some work with more subtle energy than just meridians.

Boy am I glad that I spent more time learning about the emotional effects on the body. It is a giant mystery and it is very complicated.

It was years before I can sort out a bit of conclusions.  Because I was also working on my own mental and emotional glitches and continuously working on my own balance, I eventually regain my intuitive (extra sensory) ability. It is also because of other kinesologists sharing their findings in public and in books, I have a much better picture in the whole energy body and how it all connects.

My understandings and conclusions are:

The Body is a Big Pile of Energy  

The combination of the vibration vibrates at speed that can be perceived by our basic sensory system of the five senses, touch, see, smell, hear and taste. Within that combined vibration, there are many different dimensions of vibrations.  I chose the word dimension, because I feel this word is probably the closest to what I am trying to express. Vibrations that operate in the same dimension, can directly interact, flow, change, or feed what is needed in that same dimension.   Vibration in one dimension can influence but are limited to how it influence energy in other dimensions.


Meridian system is one dimension of the energy body. Please read basic explanation of it in wikipedia article Meridian. Energy can flow very smoothly between different meridians. The system interact with planet earth, time, sunlight, other lights, tides, gravity, and many other subtle energy around us. That is what Chinese medicine is based on.

Physical body, muscular system and organs operates on another dimension. physical body has a very close link to Meridian system. Long term meridian imbalances eventually manifest into physical imbalances and illness.

Emotions and feelings is another dimension. This dimension can influence meridian dimension and Chakra dimension fairly easily, but it does not directly influence the physical body.  Any physical body condition that is related to emotions, all have to come from first influence the meridian dimension, then it influence the body dimension.

Chakra dimension is also linked with emotional dimension, indirectly influence meridian system and physical dimension. Note:  Energy in Chakra dimension and meridian dimension does not directly interact. The influences comes from the emotional dimension.

The mind, including the will, the intention, the ability to believe and disbelieve, is the biggest and strongest dimension and can directly affect and influence all the other dimension.

A simplified visual representation of human dimensional influences

Most people have no idea how powerful the mind is.  The mind can expand and shrink pretty much indefinitely.  It can access all there is, in all different dimensions and density level. However, most of the time even if a mind does access all there is, the mind is limited to how much it can understand and comprehend. Of course, when there is an ego involved with the mind, there is a whole lot more hindrance as well.

Here are some of the commonly seen correlation between emotions and physical body:

Prolonged anger weakens liver meridian system. If other meridians are strong, it may not show any symptoms at all. Sometimes it will show up in digestive system, it may show up in some muscle shutdown, there is just no direct correlation what-so-ever where the symptom is going to show up.

But if you are a very creative kinesiologist, you can use muscle test to access information on where the source of this imbalance is, and directly balance the source, instead of working on the symptoms over and over.

There are also other points that I would like to address here.

Our Chakra system generally can interact with other people, other beings (ie, animal, plants or inter-dimensional beings), and can receive very subtle vibrational inputs such as crystals gem stones, essential oils, flower essences, certain sound vibrations, and very often, inter-dimensional vibrations that the naked eye can not see and scientific instruments can not detect.

Even though healing from the Chakra dimension sometimes can be very effective, you get a feel good result very quickly.  but if something is coming from the mind that believes something and created a emotion that is influencing many different dimensions, including the physical body, the most effective way would still be going straight to the source, the belief and the feeling generated by that belief.

Sometimes healing from meridian dimension is very effective as well. It really depends on where the problem came from and what symptom the client has.

Shifting the Chakra energy or meridian energy is never going to change a person's mind unless the Boss of the mind wants to.  And who is the Boss of the mind?  That is an area with potentially endless debates.  What do you think?

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