Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Neuro-Emotional Reprogramming (NER©)

Neuro-Emotional Reprogramming© (NER©) is a biomechanically based muscular balancing system that corrects muscular misfiring conditions correlated to emotional stress. NER© is one of the very few programs that focuses on the correction of emotional patterns. NER© is not only a muscle balancing program; it is also a spiritual and emotional healing process.

Who Can Benefit from NER©?

If you have any acute or lingering physical ailment, muscular or joint pain, you may want to give NER© a try. When you come with an open mind and an intention to heal, you are guaranteed a pleasant result. NER© in the past few years have benefited clients with:

  • Complaint: Rupture disc with excruciating pain. Result: Client received complete pain relief and surgery cancelled by the doctor after four sessions.
  • Complaint: Various degrees of diastisis recti, a condition of abdominal wall separation frequently developed during pregnancy. Currently there is no other known fast cure for this condition besides invasive surgery or long term physical therapy. Result: Client’s abdominal wall was restored to proper function and the separation reduced significantly within 1-3 sessions.

  • Complaint: Plantar fasciitis. Result: Clients received complete relief of pain and the need for orthotics in everyday living.
  • Complaint: Knee pain and corn on one foot. Result: Client received complete pain relief in one session.
  • Complaint: Chronic fibromyalgia. Result: Client reduced symptoms significantly.

  • Complaint: Linger pain from old ACL injury after surgery repair. Result: Client received complete pain relief.
  • Complaint: Restricted motion/scar tissue from surgeries. Result: Clients increased range of motion.
  • Complaint: Arthritis from a 20+ year-old ruptured PCL, not surgically repaired. Client requires wearing a large custom made knee brace during athletic activity. Result: Client received complete pain relief and return to athletic routine without the need for knee brace.
  • Complaint: Chronic adductor tightness and pain. Client was treated by MAT therapist for over a year with monthly maintainence treatment. With NER©, client received complete pain relief and improved athletic performance in 1 session.
  • Competitive swimmer broke four personal best records in five treatment sessions (within six weeks). Client was also recommended a unique exercise prescription targeted to strengthen the weaker range of the strokes.

Muscle misfiring (inability to engage on demand) causes muscular system imbalances. System imbalance creates an uneven force to the joints. This causes joint irritation, muscle tightness, reduced muscular function, balance problems and various muscular and joint pains.

There are many possible causes of muscle misfiring which includes muscle fatigue, muscle overload, externally introduced physical force (ie, physical fall, trauma, car accidents and so forth), nutritional & chemical influences, energy imbalances, emotional stress and more. When a practitioner identifies the original cause of the misfiring, the muscle misfiring can be corrected immediately and permanently.

How NER© was Developed

NER© was founded and developed by Sunny Wang, an intuitive healer with extensive training in advanced biomechanics of Resistance Training Specialist Master (RTSM), and various kinesiology training such as Muscle Activation Technique (MAT), Touch for Health (TFH) and partial training in Professional Kinesiology Practice (PKP). (For facts and histories regarding these modalities, please read attachments at end of this article.)

This experience and trainings makes Sunny well qualified in identifying the imbalances and correcting causes from muscle fatigue, overload and injuries. She worked as a MAT therapist in a Chiropractor’s office from 2002 - 2003. While the MAT program claims to correct all muscular imbalances, Sunny found that there are situations where the client required repeated treatments. In the interest of the client and search for cure, she continued to study other forms of kinesiology to improve treatment effectiveness. In TFH and PKP programs, emotional connection to physical imbalances peaked Sunny’s interest. Despite the disagreement from MAT program founder Greg Roskopf and disapproval from Sunny former employer, she continued to research in finding correction for emotional patterns and programs.

Sunny concluded that when a muscular dysfunction is caused by an emotional response, the muscle’s function can be permanently restored by neutralizing the emotional patterns/programs. This approach is extremely effective when compared to the traditional manual therapy in MAT.

When the cause of the muscle dysfunction is emotional stress, it usually requires repeated treatment to desensitize the muscle’s sensitivity to the emotional response. Using NER©, not only is the muscle function restored, the emotional pattern/program is also neutralized, so that the experience will no longer be perceived as stress.

Where there is a will, there is a way. Sunny’s strong drive to seek methods that would resolve emotional patterns some how coincided with the rapid regaining of her clairvoyant ability. Instead of using kinesiology to access feedback from client’s body, she was able to use her extra sensory perception to access more detailed information.

In the following few years, Sunny applied these methods to resolve her own emotional patterns . She underwent a series of spiritual transformation and became a clear channel for Universal information and energy. Sunny is not only capable of accessing information from the client’s body, she can access Akashic Records, communicate with multi-dimensional beings, channel other consciousnesses and Mother Earth consciousness.

What are Emotional Programs?

Emotional program is a memory of an event associated with a certain emotional feedback. This memory acts like a computer software program that generates our emotional response to our external circumstances. We have enormous amount of memories that are active as programs. Most of these are unconscious. These programs are often incomplete memories and can be very irrational. They include childhood and pre-birth experiences, in-between incarnations, other life/time, cultural/environmental and genetic programs.

Emotions are embedded into our physical body as information/vibration. When this vibration disrupts the signals from our neurological system to either the muscles or other cells, organs and glands, the receiving end of the signals are distorted. Hence, there is a dysfunction or imbalance . By intuitively identifying these emotional patterns and using a variety of guided methods to neutralize these vibrations, the physical function restores immediately. Muscular imbalances can be restored and joint stress or pain eliminated.

“I believe healing originates from within. My role is to simply listen to the body’s wisdom, conduct the information and facilitate the healing.”
~ Sunny Wang

NER is gradually shifting into a spiritual self healing process that anyone can use at the comfort of your own space. This information is being organized and will be available soon.

If you have MAT, TFH, or other type of muscular related kinesiology background and would like to expand your scope of practice, Please feel free to contact Sunny Wang for more information.

Disclaimer: Neither Neuro-Emotional Reprogramming© nor Sunny Wang claim to diagnose, cure or treat any medical conditions. Please refer to licensed medical professionals for proper diagnosis. NER© is provided as an alternative approach in addition to medical treatment. Its founding principle is mind/body connection. Through reprogramming the emotional mind, client’s body restores itself to the natural healthy state.

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Programs That Inspired 
Neuro-Emotional Reprogramming© (NER©)

Neuro-Emotional Reprogramming© (NER©) was founded and developed by Sunny Wang, an intuitive healer with extensive training in advanced biomechanics of Resistance Training Specialist Master (RTSM), and various kinesiology training such as Muscle Activation Technique (MAT), Touch for Health (TFH) and partial training in Professional Kinesiology Practice (PKP).

Resistance Training Specialist Mastery level (RTSM)

Resistance Training Specialist is a comprehensive and technical program focused on the science of body movements and force distribution. Founded by Tom Purvis, RPT. and Mitch Simon, DC. in 1996, RTS pioneered the health and fitness trend in studying, understanding and analyzing the human motion instead of memorizing muscle functions and exercises. As described on the Resistance Training Specialist website, “The RTS Mastery level (RTSM) is not named for a final level of achievement. It is based upon the classic principles of mastery: the discipline for exploring and examining the depth of information, the wisdom in developing a thought process rather than relying on protocols, the surrender of biases and emotional attachments to be replaced by objectivity, and the unconditional love for the process of life-long learning.”


Kinesiology is a communication tool using muscle testing as a form of biofeedback. Kinesiology is the science of energy balancing and is grounded in the study of anatomy and physiology. Kinesiology enables people to detect and correct various imbalances and stress responses to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of our lives.

Detroit chiropractor Dr. George Goodheart discovered the field of Kinesiology and teaches a system called Applied Kinesiology (AK). This system is taught exclusively to MDs and chiropractors. Dr. JohnThie was one of the first dozen students of Dr. Goodheart and shortly afterwards created Touch For Health Kinesiology (TFH). Many professionals trained in Applied Kinesiology and Touch For Health went on to use muscle testing in new creative applications. There are now dozens of specialized kinesiology programs. Many have a specific focus on structural, educational, emotional, psychological, or spiritual balancing.

Alan G. Beardall, DC. who collaborated with Goodheart during early research in Kinesiology and developed Clinical Kinesiology (CK) which includes extensive research and testing method of testing each division of each muscle. Clinical Kinesiology focuses on electromagnetic, structural and chemical therapeutics. This program later inspired Greg Roskopf in developing Muscle Activation Technique.

Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT), developed by Greg Roskopf, a biomechanics expert who has worked as a consultant for numerous professional sports teams, is a dynamic muscular assessment system that analyzes and corrects muscular imbalances primarily using manual tissue stimulation and nutritional supplementation to correct muscle imbalances.

Touch For Health (TFH) is a simple and practical system developed by Dr. John Thie, TFH intended for lay people to have a simple yet powerful tool to help themselves, their families and friends. The basis of Touch for Health Kinesiology is balancing the acupuncture energy system without using needles or the traditional Chinese acupuncture’s assessment called ‘reading the pulses’.

The Professional Kinesiology Practitioner (PKP) system was developed by Dr. Bruce Dewe, MD, from New Zealand, and from the research contributions of dozens of kinesiology practitioners around the world. PKP is a system of addressing issues on the physical, energetic, mental, emotional, biochemical and spiritual levels based on a priority protocol.


Thanks to Tom Purvis of RTS program and Greg Roskopf of MAT program in assisting Sunny’s initial involvement in healing profession, and to the continuous encouragement and support of Larry and Arleen Green of US Kinesiology Institute, Sunny Wang was able to develop Neuro Emotional Reprogramming©.

About Sunny Wang


Sunny Wang is an intuitive with many talents. She achieved the state of Divine Union/ONENESS with all in 2004. She communicates with Universal Collective Consciousness, multi-dimensional beings and accesses Akashic records.


Sunny accesses God Consciousness, Universal truth and Akashic records directly without using personal spirit guides. She communicates with your personal guides, angels and the deceased. She also communicates and/or channels many high consciousness groups including the Guardians, the Ancestors, and the Arcturians.


Sunny has a very unique connection with Gaia, Earth consciousness. This gift allows her to strategically create harmonious energy wherever desired. This may include residential, commercial property or large areas of land. This can be done remotely or on site at your property.


This special connection with Mother Gaia also gifted her with the ability to
customize energy amulets and jewelry for individuals. These hand-made energy pieces have powerful effects in healing, consciousness transformation, and energy balancing. “When I make a piece for someone, I wait until I see the picture in my minds eye. Gaia is channeling through me when I make these amulets and jewelry.” is how she describes it.


Because of this Gaia connection, Sunny is also an Earth Shaman. She possesses ability to match herbs, gems stones, essential oils and many other frequency producing tools to the clients’ needs. She communicates with consciousness of the land, mountains, stones, rivers, forest and animal spirits, and intuitively performs energy/spiritual ceremonies when the land calls for it.


Sunny has a high integrity and is trustworthy. While she was seeing clients as a spiritual counselor, with each client inquiry, she accesses the Akashic records first to make sure this meeting is for the client’s highest good before she schedules the appointment. She conducts messages with no personal intention/agenda and no sugar-coating. There is never any intention to keep bringing the client back for more sessions beyond what is guided.


Sunny moved to Taiwan in June of 2010, on a Universe guided mission, sharing her teaching and assist many develop their innate intuitive talent. Her Mandarin blog is 

This blog is mostly written in Mandarin Chinese. There are however, some articles in English. This blog has reached half a million hits in January of 2014.

Instead of seeing clients one-on-one, the Universe nudged Sunny into developing self-healing programs, methods, and vibrational/energy products that assist those who are on their journey to Godself discovery. This is what Sunny will be sharing in this blog: Freeing the Mind that Binds You.

Neuro-Emotional Reprogramming© (NER©) is a biomechanically based muscular balancing system that corrects muscular misfiring conditions correlated to emotional stress. Founded and developed by Sunny Wang, who has extensive training in advanced biomechanics of Resistance Training Specialist Master (RTSM), and various kinesiology training such as Muscle Activation Technique (MAT), Touch for Health (TFH) and partial training in Professional Kinesiology Practice (PKP). 

NER© is a program that focuses on the correction of emotional patterns. NER© is not only a muscle balancing program; it is also a spiritual and emotional healing process. If you have any acute or lingering physical ailment, muscular or joint pain, you may want to give NER a try. 

Sunny Wang currently resides in Ireland. Her focus is on teaching, product development and writing.